Use this menu to perform operations related to disk, file, printer, windows, or to quit the application.
• New... •
To create a new blank tape, simply choose this menu item and select various options such as sampling rate, compression ratio and whether or not you wish the tape to be standalone.
• Open... •
This menu item allows the user to open a previously recorded tape for playback or modification. User may also simply drag the tape onto the DictationMachine to open it for use.
• Save As... •
Use this menu item to save a backup of the current tape under a different name or location. This feature makes it easy to have several versions of the tape. That way after making certain modifications, user can simply step back to an older version if they are not happy with the changes.
• Close •
Use this menu item to unload or close the currently loaded tape. After closing the currently open tape, user can then open another tape or create a new tape to work with.
• Quit •
This menu item can be used to quit DictationMachine application and return to the Finder.